Saturday, July 25, 2009

Camwhoring session with my buddy..

It's been long since we camwhored right grace..?! * wink * =) the pictures were kinda blured because of the lighting effect..the pictures were taken by grace htc diamond phone and it seems to be out of hand when we snap it..anyway is alright..glad we spend time taking pictures..and sorry ya for not taking pictures with you at the photo booth..if your reading this post..
here a little gossip that i wana share with u on the following link and stay tuned on fashion & gossips.
p/s: will made up to you ya..and will take pictures soon.! *pinky promise* hugs..
off to go now to mid valley with mummy and probably watch movie i guess.
signing off xoxox..!
turning into : sean kingston-fire burning

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