Saturday, March 21, 2009

Just a short post for the day..^^

the movie is lauching on thursday..anxiously waiting girls..! *yippeee..*

p/s: sorry for nod updating peeps..been busy with the same old thing in college as usual yet i had great time meeting up with my old friends in highschool and new ones too. ..
[ you know who you are ryt ] *laughs*

oh well..i've spend my saturday afternoon watching ' BRIDE WARS'..guess..pretty much of you guys have already watched it right??eventually,i'm kinda of left behind on movies right now..wasnt up to date on about movies lately..>< *sigh* all of my friends told me that this movie was awesome and everyone loves it do I..=)

By just a glimpse at the overall movie, two perfect bestfriends who were been together for about 20 years of friendship they had.Is nod easy to maintain a long lasting friendship as faith and trust gotta be on each party.As a matter of fact,this two bestfriends became rivals just because they both schedule their respective wedding on the same date and month,june 6th.
pretty shocking huh?Kate hudson and Anne Hathaway touched me with their believable performances as two best friends who shared a dream together and ended up with their friendship triumphing over petty superficiality and disputes.


~ picture of me and my pak leong at mid valley ~
my pak leong looks young right..?guess how old she is?
lots of people say she looks like around 40's?but her actualy age is 55 this year..^^*
pretty cool she stays young and healthy..hugs*

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